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LB messages (v2)

Messages between Load Balancer (LB) and Federation Manager (FM)

The Load Balancer exchanges the following messages with the Federation Manager:

LB.1 AllocateNode (from FM to LB)

The Model sends this message as a response to RequestStatus messages sent by the Federate Starter or the Federation Manager.

Variable Fld Type Comments
modelId 8 String(9,10) A unique indicator of the model for which allocation is asked
processors 9 Integer(2) The number of processors to use for that process (often 1).
memory 10 String(9,10) The amount of memory to reserve for the process, a number, possibly followed by kB, MB, GB, TB.

LB.2 Allocated (from LB to FM, in response to LB.1)

Message sent by the Model to indicate which Federate Starter can be allocated for the request (or none).

Variable Fld Type Comments
modelId 8 String(9,10) The model id for which allocation is granted.
nameIP 9 String(9,10) The name or IP address of the node that has been alocated/reserved for the model process.
fsPort 10 Integer(2) The port number of the FederateStarter on the node that has been alocated/reserved for the model process.

LB.3 AllocationError (from LB to FM, in response to LB.1)

Message sent by the Model to indicate which Federate Starter can be allocated for the request (or none).

Variable Fld Type Comments
modelId 8 String(9,10) The model id for which allocation is granted (or not).
error 9 String(9,10) The reason the allocation could not take place, e.g.:
- no node table.
- no node with sufficient number of processors.
- no node with sufficient available memory.

LB.4 DeallocateNode (from FM to LB)

Variable Fld Type Comments
modelId 8 String(9,10) The model id for which deallocation can take place.

LB.5 Deallocated (from LB to FM, in response to LB.4)

Variable Fld Type Comments
modelId 8 String(9,10) The model id for which deallocation has taken place.

LB.6 DeallocationError (from LB to FM, in response to LB.4)

Variable Fld Type Comments
modelId 8 String(9,10) The model id for which deallocation could not be executed.
error 9 String(9,10) The error message belonging to the unsuccessful deallocation, e.g.:
- memory would go below zero.
- number of processes would go below zero.
- modelId cannot be found (e.g., because deallocaton took place multiple times).